Med bilder fra fjorårets julefeiring, som blir ganske lik i år, presenterer jeg min montasje av..
mandag 22. desember 2008
torsdag 18. desember 2008

Fy fader, så nettopp Cloverfield. Aldri blitt så kvalm av en film. Foruten det faktum at den var en klisjéspekket fortelling, så takler jeg ikke handycam. Kall meg gammel, men det var litt for mye. Bare litt mer stabilt kamera og det kunne vært mer morsomt. Men monsteret var kjempebra. De snakker om å lage en oppfølger, den skal visst ikke ha så mye handicam. (Hurra.)
Men ellers har jeg sittet med eksamen og sett på denne fete samlingen med brettefigurer.
Hvis du er lat og ikke gidder å klikke:
NINJA-LINCOLN!! Fete skills.
kunst og håndverk,
tirsdag 16. desember 2008
Dag 2 med sykdom i kroppen
Kommer bare klaging i fra meg nå om dagen. Men jeg har hatt feber i natt. It sucks big time. Og nå er jeg helt utslått på paracet og klementiner. Føler denne eksamensoppgaven ikke går helt min vei. Men jeg trøster meg med denne sangen. "Still Alive". Passende i disse tider. Oh ja! God jul til dere som stikker innom denne bloggen. :D Tar det heller nå enn senere. Så skal jeg også poste noen bilder av julestemning hjemme på Stovner. :) Når og hvis jeg kommer meg dit da.
Raske facts om denne sangen:
- Den blir sunget av en A.I som en credits sang i spillet "Portal"
- A.Ien er slem. Slem som juling.
- Du blir lovet kake om du løser alle oppgavene i spillet
- And yes, this is a geek thing.
Still Alive
mandag 15. desember 2008
America's Next Top Model og en boks med Kleenex

Jeg har blitt sjuk. Igjen. Dette er døden for meg. Fra å gå fra en forkjølelse i året til to ganger på to måneder. Men jeg overlever. Har tross alt medieteorieksamen å skrive på, men tror dette går greit. Må bare få gjort noe.
Jobbet 18 timer av 24 timer igår så jeg er SLITEN i dag. Så jeg trøster meg i dette øyeblikk med pensum og Top Model. Ah, jenter som krangler. Forresten, min favorittsang av Lykke Li. Den dukket opp på en forsmak av kveldens "Akutten" og Maris blogg. :)
Forresten, Twilight anyone?
torsdag 11. desember 2008
Ny måte å takle finanskrisen på

..eller ikke. Jeg vil kjøpe denne. "Bare" $1500! Jeg vil kjøpe kunst og late som om jeg er kjemperik. En dag kan slike ting bli verdt en del.
broke-ass nigga.,
In your face, public opinion!

Whahaha! To ting å være glad for denne torsdagsmorgenen.
En: Jeg har bare en eksamen igjen til JULEFERIE.
TO: sin forside i dag: Forskere: Tull at folk blir avhengige av dataspill
WOOP WOOP! Det er ikke dataspill som gjør folk avhengige, det faktisk hjelper mennesker (les: unge tenåringsgutter) til å takle hverdagen, ofte de som er sosialt utstøtt, mobbet eller generelt folk som ikke takler livet, i følge artikkelen. So don't hate the game, HATE THE PLAYAAAAA. (eller de sosiale forutsetningene the PLAYAAAA har!)
LES HELE ARTIKKELEN HER just do it pleasepleaseplease with sugar on top and a hundred bucks!
men nå skal jeg lage meg en god pølsefrokost, woot, og muligens dra på høyskolen,
dagens holdning: it's a win - win situation any way i look at it.
søndag 7. desember 2008
exams coming up!
Exams are right around the corner now! But I'm not worried, things could be much, much worse. I got this.

tirsdag 2. desember 2008
forgot my banana
i forgot my banana and i'm at school. playing it cool. it was such a perfect banana too, part green, part yellow, cold, crunchy and Chiquita baby! Woo.
In other news:
mandag 17. november 2008
Mickey D and me.

So, I went to eat "dinner" at McDonald's today. Being a bachelor and all, making dinner for one was out of the question on a Monday. In all my years as a McDonalds connoisseur, I've never experienced such great service and food ever! My local Mcdonalds is great. I ordered a McFeast menu with a Double-Cheeseburger on the side, the friendliest guy asked me to choose a table and he'd BRING me the food. Holy crud, even though I could have just stood there, he insisted on me sitting down. When I got the food, I tasted the fries first. Freakin' impeccable. Crispy, yet tasty! Best. Mickey D. EVER. There, I said it. Burgers were top notch as well.
I did nay take no pictures, who brings a camera at Mickey D? Effin' wonderful.
torsdag 13. november 2008
onsdag 12. november 2008
Missing in Action
I don't get a bad conscience anymore for this.
I should focus on my schoolwork since exams are coming up and most of my peers are already hard at work. You guys scare me. You suck too.
Anywhoo, tribute to the greatest production crew: Paakledd Film.
Me, standing around, doing squat..
..and eating. Thanks, crew. I<3u
søndag 9. november 2008
Several Sundays Later..
torsdag 6. november 2008
søndag 24. august 2008
Fucking Clueless

Yeah, i'm on pause while pursuing scholarly pursuit. Be back in a jiffy. Be it days, weeks or months! :D
torsdag 24. juli 2008
Fond memories of Japan
..comes back to me when a friend of mine linked me this video. I remember sitting at the dinnertable with Harry and his cousin, eating delicious japanese/asian food while watching tv. Man, I wanna go back so bad.
mandag 14. juli 2008
søndag 13. juli 2008
The Sandman Is Our Fwend!! (scary pictures oh my!)

I slept on the couch at work again. Working on and off with 8 hours of sleep inbetween each shift, we're talking 8 in the morning to 4, sleep, midnight to 8, 4 to midnight again, it's tough shit, but we all do it for the love of the money. Right now, I'm blogging whilst at work. It works in my favor. On that couch I had some crazy-ass dreams, about the end of the world, dead friends, zombie stuff, whatever, I woke up scared as hell. It's fun to dream, but when they're that vivid, it's fucking scary. I guess I'm overworked.. Shit.

torsdag 10. juli 2008
Self destructive behavior

So, yeah, this week I've been working the 8 to 16 shift, been hanging around the city, spending my not-so-hard-earned-money on shit like dvd's, comics, food and clothes. To sum it all up, I've been leading a self destructive behaviour, consuming dvd's like 4 at the time, reading 2 comicbooks a day, eat two dinners, one at a restaurant and one at home. On top of that buying stuff I like, not really needing them, but they sure are nice. 4-5-6-7 grand is just, POOF, gone. Do I give a fuck? No, not really. Life as we know it, it's a disjointed reality, yeah? Tiny fuckers running around in infinite space thinking they are actually getting anywhere? Naaaah, just playing. I've been watching too much "Skins", brits are fucked up and fucks around too much. But at least they are never bored.
oh yeah, i spilled some sauce on the floor the other day and covered it with newspapers. Shows to tell, I'm getting out of sync. Jesus. Let's just put a record on and breeze. Catch me posting on a better day.
onsdag 9. juli 2008
tirsdag 1. juli 2008
June has been great. She's always been great.

So, June went over pretty fast. I got a pretty nasty color on my skin now, brownblack. It's the new "look at me, i've done stuff outside" fad. Haven't posted in a while, but that's because June was a busy month, with me losing my muses, my money, my motivation and my good vibrations. So, I took a break, went fishing, b-ballin, a music festival and sucked up the sights of being in a foreign city. Arendal, that is.
Me and my shades went to see Jay-Z and many others, notably Mstrkrft, Duffy, Lupe Fiasco, The Raconteurs were good stuff. Sad stuff about Pete Doherty not showing up. Not that I really cared, but I guess seeing him would be like seeing Freddie Mercury in his later years. Of course, where Pete would puke because of alcohol and drugs, Freddie would puke because of, yeah, AIDS. Too bad. He was a talented indian guy. He is sorely missed. Anywho!

This fox is going on my ass. As a tattoo. An ultimate fan boy tribute. It's either this one or i'm going to use a magic marker on my arm and write Einstein's theory of relativity. All in good time.
mandag 2. juni 2008
I fucking love Katy Perry.
Fuck, she's great.
She's the next big thing out of the US. I don't care what you trash say. She's the shit.
Already pre-ordered her album, "One Of The Boys", coming out June 17th.
P.S Notice the cameo by Dj Skeet Skeet in the end! :D
She's the next big thing out of the US. I don't care what you trash say. She's the shit.
Already pre-ordered her album, "One Of The Boys", coming out June 17th.
P.S Notice the cameo by Dj Skeet Skeet in the end! :D
lørdag 31. mai 2008
Filipino's are corny
Yeah, i'm lazy, just posting all these youtube videos, but my muse is gone. I need inspiration!?
holy shit Weng Weng is awesome.
holy shit Weng Weng is awesome.
secret agent,
torsdag 22. mai 2008
Too early to start?
I might be getting too old to start DJ'ing, but who's to say I can't push my dreams unto children who are obviously born to do it?
P.S I need a mixer. Please sell one to me, preferably cheap. Zank juuu bery much!
tirsdag 13. mai 2008
mandag 12. mai 2008
lørdag 10. mai 2008
Three Great Girls

So, yeah, I've been a total MySpace Ho and found three girls who I really L-O-V-E (love!) at the moment. Been looping their songs for the last hour and I'm getting their albums.
Katy Perry
Sara Bareilles
søndag 4. mai 2008
Work is totally boring.

Thank God, I can read Shoujo-mangas at work. Or else I'd be a dead from boredom. Scenes like this from "Bitter Virgin" are oh-so typical, but still manages to give your heart a little nudge.
Chocolate Thunder!!!!

I kinda want these as well. Pony Uptown Darryl Dawkins!! A very nice and detailed description of the shoe can be found here. Hmm, ok, I should try posting about other stuff. Not easy when you're at work and you can't go to stuff like youtube and whatnot. Hmm.
søndag 27. april 2008
Warakuuuuuuuu! (-USA)

I want these. Last time I wore Converse, was in 1997, oh snap. So maybe, I should get these.

(Courtesy of
Japan+girl+headphones = freaking sweet.

I love the magic pen!
mandag 21. april 2008
Dude, where's my girl?
Err, yeah. Wanted to share this with you guys. Are we, as a race, moving towards an androgynous appearance?
(Yes, I watched the whole damn thing, he knows how to stay in character.)
mandag 14. april 2008
Cyril Takayama is the KING!
Man, streetmagic is waaay cool. I bet you get a lot of girls with the tricks Cyril Takayama can do. Saw him on the MTV show "Room 401". It's funny and creepy at the same time, kinda like "Punk'd", just with normal people and not revealing the fact that it is a hidden camera show. People get scared shitless. Cyril did a "falling head trick" while standing on a bus. Pretty cool. Other stuff he can do is, pull apart chopsticks with his shadow, make balloons into bowlingballs and my favorite, create food from a billboard. Check it.
This is also funny. This guy actually screws up streetmagic. Shame on him. Is it fake? Maybe. But streetmagic is awesome. (is it Streetmagic or Street Magic? hmm)
P.S Happy Birthday To Me. I appreciate all the written and verbal congrats! :D Love you guys. :) (no homo)
This is also funny. This guy actually screws up streetmagic. Shame on him. Is it fake? Maybe. But streetmagic is awesome. (is it Streetmagic or Street Magic? hmm)
P.S Happy Birthday To Me. I appreciate all the written and verbal congrats! :D Love you guys. :) (no homo)
lørdag 5. april 2008
Dude, creepy. David Banner too.

Yes,that's David Banner. He's random right now. Just had to put someone up there. But the link below is creepy, in a non-die-of-heartattack-kind-of-way. (courtesy of :)
david banner,
woo shit
tirsdag 1. april 2008
Szohr's Toys

Oh, Jessica Szohr, of Gossip Girl fame, being in love with Brian and even making appearances on CSI, you are fantastic. How can you not want to dive deep into those eyes!? She is just great. So great.
Anywho, got a new batch of toys straight from Japan! :D I am enjoying them as I type. Look and guess what they do!

Anywho, got a new batch of toys straight from Japan! :D I am enjoying them as I type. Look and guess what they do!
tirsdag 25. mars 2008
Clothes can make or break a man

Yeah, my new suit. The suit and shirt is from Bertoni and tie from Mazzini. Can't wait to cut the rug with this one! It's really comfortable and the fabric makes it very durable. Of course, it cost me a couple of g's, but hey, gotta be snappy. It had a nice style and most importantly, not black. Even the shirt was pretty nice to use by itself. Feel free to comment! Some day I'll be as snappy as my hero and idol, Dwayne Johnson!

Also known as the retired pro-wrestler, The Rock. I love you, man. I do.
mandag 24. mars 2008
Yes Susan, Kids Are Cute
Now, don't come here and tell me this kid's obsession isn't cute!? Everyone should aspire to have their kids on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. She has talented, weird, cute and funny kids on her show all the time. What a gimmick. And the kids get a free present too! Some kid got a Gibson guitar on that show. Damn.
ellen degeneres,
fredag 21. mars 2008
You're Never Too Young Nor Too Old To Be A Geek
Yeah, as the title says, geeks comes in all ages. Be it a 2-yr old or a 56-yr old, we're all geeks, me included. Yesterday, I tried being a great mentor and teach Tobie's lil sis to play Wii Sports, both the tennis and the golf game. Of course, maybe I was expecting waaaay to much, but hey, some kids learn fast and she did. In the end, we lost the tennis match by one set and actually, she got a +7 over par in Wii Golf. Pretty good, in my opinion.
She got pretty good at swinging the wii-mote, pretty fast. There's some YouTube videos out there with 3-4 year olds kicking ass in Wii Tennis. But I don't wanna pressure her too much. Yet. Now here comes the interesting part, another kid saw us play and decided he could beat ut in Wii Golf..

I think I'm proud of what I've done. Now only to get my mom
hooked on this too. Then I won't be bugged when I play games.
(Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but I only had my cellphone lying nearby)
Yep, had to inherit the geek genes from someone, that someone being my dad. He actually picked up the basics in Wii Golf and ended with 1 under par in the end. Talk about being showed up. Later in the evening, he discovered that I had downloaded Super Mario 1 & 3 to the Wii.
Now he plays that too.
Now he plays that too.
I think I'm proud of what I've done. Now only to get my mom
hooked on this too. Then I won't be bugged when I play games.
(Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but I only had my cellphone lying nearby)
onsdag 19. mars 2008
Superheroes are among us!
Before I start my rant on superheroes, check the kid out! I used to dance like that when I was 4 too. Not. This korean kid has mad skillz. Too bad, he'll probably end up at a sweatshop, making Nike shoes for an hourly wage of $2. BUT! If this kid lives in the US, he'll end up a very good, gay dancing asian. Kinda like William Hung, minus the singing. I hope for the latter.
Okay, moving on, today I read an article that actually opened up possibilities in becoming a superhero. A man in Texas, Larry Hatch, age 57, woke up one day and noticed that his hands and feet had become larger, clubbing actually, becoming really big. In addition, his face had grown deep wrinkles in his face and his hair grew faster than usual. One of the first incidents happened at a friend's house, where his face became more red than usual and his friend was afraid he was going to have a heartattack. In the end, poor Larry passed out and was brought to the hospital. I won't reveal the reason for his so-called "Incredible Hulkification", but it's in this article. He went from normal guy to "monster" in a couple of weeks. Very interesting.
Let's just say we could trigger this condition in lab specimens. We could make Hulkmen. Suddenly we'd not only see superheroes on the silverscreen, but in real life! Maybe genetically altered specimens capable of moving at twice or thrice (!) the speed of a normal human. It's of course a question of ethics, but it would be fun. Even this chick has a superpower!
The power of bad, bodily odor! The Incredible Smelly SuperModel!
smelly supermodel,
the hulk,
wonderful asian dancing kid
one funky chicken!
Here's a cool band from the UK, who I really like nowadays. Their vocalist has a mad, light feel on her vocals and they even have a japanese girl as a guitarist who sputters out crazy lyrics on another track called "Milk Crisis". This is the band "The Go! Team" and their song "Wrath of Marcie". Looks old school, but enjoyable. Other recommended songs are "Grip Like A Vice" and the aforementioned "Milk Crisis. I'll probably buy their album "Proof of Youth" soon enough.
funky shiznit,
go team mad crazy
fredag 14. mars 2008
Argh cute girl ahoy!
Check the girl out. She is cuuuu-uute ~~<3 Umm, the beat is pretty good too and Busta Rhymes trying to bust a move is entertaining enough. Now to find out where I can get those "Teriyaki Source" tees.
torsdag 13. mars 2008
"Real Thugs Play Electro"

Ah, Imogen Poots, yes, her agents wanted to change her name, since soooo many thinks of flatulence when they hear her last name. No worries, she can take my surname. This is a girl I could marry. Oh yes, a girl that can survive a zombie apocalypse in London in "28 Weeks Later", is a girl worth marrying. Imogen, if you're reading this, please marry me. (No, this is NOT stalker behavior).
Anywhooooo, Long time no see, oh avid readers! I have been gone, going and gone the last month mostly because of a healthy dose of lazyness and some practicing with the saxamaphone! Want proof maybe?
Anywhooooo, Long time no see, oh avid readers! I have been gone, going and gone the last month mostly because of a healthy dose of lazyness and some practicing with the saxamaphone! Want proof maybe?
What else? Went to Trondheim to play in the "championship" and getting crunk. There's a lot of crazy people in Tr.heim. But still it was most excellent, mostly because it was being at this HUGE bandcamp convention (BCC) and people were trying to sell you mouthpieces and reeds, cleaning kits and play-along books. Great trip, great trip. And no, no flute up my ass this time. :)
I've also fallen into my yearly "state of weakness" where I lounge on the sofa, coughing up mucus and having wild, fever dreams about Dorothy and Toto, Billy and Jimmy Lee, Hendrix and Marley and of course you guys. I love hallucinations. Ever seen "Across the Universe"? A movie/musical where people sing happy Beatles songs and go acid-tripping while Bono makes a cameo singing: Coo-Coo-Ka-Chooo! ( I am the walrus, I think.)

Yeah here are my saviors, double shot of paracet, vitaminbears and cough syrup, supposed to make me healthy till tomorrow, where I'll embark where a filipino man might not really fit in, not me, that's for sure. We're going to the mountains, a social excursion with the younger staff at work. Prepare to see good pictures when I get back on Sunday.
Anywhoo, wrapping up, download songs from this DJ, Dj Skeet Skeet. He mixes great songs making them waaaay better than before, like "Party Like A Rockstar" (I didn't like the original, but the remix is waay better) and Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Tastes Like Skeet Skeet Remix)"
" DJ SKEET SKEET "I've also fallen into my yearly "state of weakness" where I lounge on the sofa, coughing up mucus and having wild, fever dreams about Dorothy and Toto, Billy and Jimmy Lee, Hendrix and Marley and of course you guys. I love hallucinations. Ever seen "Across the Universe"? A movie/musical where people sing happy Beatles songs and go acid-tripping while Bono makes a cameo singing: Coo-Coo-Ka-Chooo! ( I am the walrus, I think.)
Yeah here are my saviors, double shot of paracet, vitaminbears and cough syrup, supposed to make me healthy till tomorrow, where I'll embark where a filipino man might not really fit in, not me, that's for sure. We're going to the mountains, a social excursion with the younger staff at work. Prepare to see good pictures when I get back on Sunday.
Anywhoo, wrapping up, download songs from this DJ, Dj Skeet Skeet. He mixes great songs making them waaaay better than before, like "Party Like A Rockstar" (I didn't like the original, but the remix is waay better) and Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Tastes Like Skeet Skeet Remix)"
mandag 4. februar 2008

How cool is this diorama? When I get a kid, I'm so going to make him make me one. :) I'm at work right now and perpetually bored. There are no calls coming in, which is weird, this being a callcenter and all. As of this moment, I'm awaiting my Hundreds bomberjacket and cap. FedEx was at my door, but I was dead asleep. I really want that jacket now! >_<
No song right now, but I'll put up one as soon as I get home, maybe. Following through is hard thing to do. So to all you loyal readers (currently tallied at: zero), here's hoping the New England Patriots will go for a perfect season next year again!
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