lørdag 31. oktober 2009

500 days of Zooey pt.2

Finally. Loved this movie. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. You'll love it or I'll eat my hat.

6 of 6 bluebirds joined in a musical dancenumber.

tirsdag 27. oktober 2009


Dette er mitt Shangri-La når jeg virkelig trenger en dag med avslapning. Flere hundre tegneserier og veldig deilige sitteplasser, er dette mitt innerste indre. Hahaha!

Anyways! Jeg skriver om Hamsun i tegneserieform, så hvorfor ikke slenge opp et bilde av han?
Fryktelig uskarp, men jeg liker ikke å bruke tid på å ta bilder med blitz, STØGT blir det uansett.

Lovely, lovely books. Er du keen, dra på Schous plass og inn det lille huset og opp i andre etasje. Sees kanskje der!

mandag 19. oktober 2009

Seriously, Kanye?

"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze from Yooj‽ on Vimeo.

Just wow. One night in Kanye's life. I'll leave the interpretation to you guys. It gets f'ed up about 6-7 mins into the movie.

onsdag 14. oktober 2009

My First Trilogy Is Complete!

This is the final movie in my epic China-trilogy, "Going Back To My Roots: A Memoir" and you, yes YOU made it possible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: The Last Dinner: CHINA STRIKES BACK!!

Now you see this third movie is more of a easy letdown, where our merry friends take a breather from the hustle and bustle of a busy Beijing set in the 2009's. What we are trying to show here that we are also normal people, who occasionally likes to talk bull in front of the camera. 

The two previous released parts, The Shanghai Incident: Return of The Plushie and Parade of Sweat, Feet and Ass: A New Hope can be viewed here. If you want more special features, please send a 20-dollar bill via e-mail and I'll do a dramatic re-enactment with editor-commentary.

tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

SGG - Seriously Good Genes

Yes, this is a supershallow post. But this is Arianny Celeste, a three-quarters mexican, one-quarter FILIPINA who works as a ring girl in the UFC. Shows to tell that mixing some filipino in some brown, white or black chocolate surely, SURELY makes good shit. Interracial couples ftw. Seriously. Yes, I'm shallow today. For that I'll post another picture. 

BAM! Take that shit to the bank.

mandag 12. oktober 2009

We can't change where we come from

'Twas a good day, that november day in '08. Courtesy Mari. Stovner subway-station's underappreciated art. 

torsdag 8. oktober 2009

To reklamer jeg liker VELDIG godt.

Ganske selvforklarende, spør du meg.

søndag 4. oktober 2009

After-work shenanigans

So I just got off my 8-hour shift, but still wired like hell. So I googled my own name for fun. 

I have left a lot of traces after me.. Eww. Now I'm going to sleep for 6 hours and then, back to work. I hope you all have a good day. 

(Mostly twitter crap, yes I tweet. And my reviews for PressFire. Interesting.)