onsdag 14. oktober 2009

My First Trilogy Is Complete!

This is the final movie in my epic China-trilogy, "Going Back To My Roots: A Memoir" and you, yes YOU made it possible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: The Last Dinner: CHINA STRIKES BACK!!

Now you see this third movie is more of a easy letdown, where our merry friends take a breather from the hustle and bustle of a busy Beijing set in the 2009's. What we are trying to show here that we are also normal people, who occasionally likes to talk bull in front of the camera. 

The two previous released parts, The Shanghai Incident: Return of The Plushie and Parade of Sweat, Feet and Ass: A New Hope can be viewed here. If you want more special features, please send a 20-dollar bill via e-mail and I'll do a dramatic re-enactment with editor-commentary.

3 kommentarer:

Mari sa...

AAAHAHAHA, flotte saker, Albert!
Liker kommentarene til deg og Maja :D

Men saaaavner den maten ja, ikke rart jeg holdt det gåandes, det skulle jo snart ta slutt!

Mari sa...

Og hosten til Kaja hadde jeg forresten helt glemt, men nå kommer alt tilbake.....
Film altså - lyd og bilde i ett!

Anonym sa...

Yeay!! En topp!