lørdag 26. september 2009

500 days of Zooey

(Before reading this post, please watch the trailer, HYPE)
I have a problem, ladies and gentlemen. I procured an "illegal" copy that (I may or may not have anymore) of the movie, 500 days of summer. I started watching it, but 3 mins and 4 seconds into the movie I asked myself: 

Do I want to ruin this (potentially) awesome movie by watching in crap, stolen from 
the screeningroom-quality on my Mac? 

Or should I wait for the norwegian releasedate (30th of OCTOBER)?
This really sucks. I love Zooey Deschanel and I think this movie will rock out (with the cock out) as they say.

Oh, and if I do postpone this viewing, who wants to go with me on a date to this movie? Like seriously. (Non-serious applicants will be rejected with swift and brutal force.)


tirsdag 22. september 2009


Oh god, so funny.

lørdag 19. september 2009


I wish God would stop making alcohol appear. 

søndag 13. september 2009

explosions in the sky

Etter å ha kommet meg litt etter en lang kveld med øl, whisky og Rock Band så dro jeg opp til Frognerparken for å møte Stine. 



hvor vi så:

og Stine fant på å:

og så bar det hjem til middag og film hos Silver Surfer i de sene nattestimer.

fredag 11. september 2009

I got it. Who wants to visit me?

I hope someone will visit me soon. :D Beatles Rock Band! Looking forward to jamming with you guys!

fredag 4. september 2009

Right now..

i feel like meh. After a nice week away from hustle and bustle to focus on film and movie-making, it's back to routine. It's like getting that high and just drop from the sky like Icarus. Meh.

Let's do this. Go on a high, do the tasks we do and live a good life. Bless!