mandag 30. mars 2009

my heart, my heart.. you handle deadlines like you handle dead relationships

I am kinda stressing right now. And it's a real trivial thing to stress over as well. I can't find one of the library books I've been borrowing the last two weeks and the return date is TODAY. I hate borrowing books and especially return dates. Only reason I borrowed that book is because of an assignment in class where we have to list 500 (FUCKING) pages of required reading for our practical mediaproduction class. Why not just give us a fuckload of books at the START of the semester instead of say, a week before leaving for China. Yes, yes, it's probably listed somewhere in the programme's description that it would be required, but what kind of student has 500 pages ready before the day it's due? Probably some, but not me. Oh no, I'm a fucking tard for delaying the inevitable (or is it? i can just FAIL this piece of shit) and teetering precariously on the precipice of FAIL and SUCCESS. So yeah, fuck that book and fuck this list.
(Fuck this and fuck that. What foul words this person has)

Leading into the deadlines that threaten my happiness.. I still have x amount of pages to finish for the first exam, it's not hard, it's just tedious. I'd rather give a 45 minute speech about a movie instead of writing an essay whilst provoking an academic bulemia where facts and fiction blur the lines of reality. Just general preparations before China and other things I'll probably forget before I leave. I'm at this point where I'm considering just bringing underwear and a t-shirt to China. The rest I'll just buy over there. I just wanna go? Or ignore things that must be done.

End this on a sad note: My boy, Daniel got mugged in broad daylight this friday. Crazy dude pulled a knife on him. What has this city become? He's okay, but I think he is partially sad?

Have a nice week, y'all. I will, despite the complaining!

lørdag 28. mars 2009

It's like Christmas, minus family, presents and Christmas songs..

Two gaming posts in a row. Oh my. Anyways, my good friend Rudi brought me a gift from across the pond. I am now blissfully happy and ignoring my exam. I love you STREET FIGHTER IV TE FIGHT STICK.

Yes, it's messy.
With flash and sexyness.
Without flash, but still sexy. Christmas in the heezay!

torsdag 26. mars 2009

The games people play

I won't say too much in this post. I just dug through my camera to find a theme and I found it. Friends who play games in my livingroom. Collected from december till today. 

I got a long day ahead of me tomorrow. And I still have my exam to finish. Thanks for letting me hang at your house, Mike. We even made a cooking show. It'll be up before the weekend starts. Maybe. Good night.

mandag 23. mars 2009


..with Katy Perry. That's her hand right there. That's right.

I just wanted to share something to do for you who wants this Monday to pass quickly. Or just life in general. I usually whip out these tools once in a while to train my rhythmic skills on the keyboard.
(I still can't blog from my Mac, so these posts will suck. I'm blogging from work again.)

I usually put on my colourful sunglasses and go Daft Punk on this shiz:

and of course:

With this tool, YOU can make the next electrohit!

søndag 22. mars 2009

And that's how Death crept up on me..

I can't blog from my Mac. My blog refuses to recognize me as its master!! (traffic gets flooded, socketproblems, something along those lines)

So now, I blog from the safe, suffocating confines of work, where phones are being picked up and hilarities/disparities ensue. Anyways, just a short post tonight. Sitting at work, blogging, is really distracting (something that I shouldn't be doing anyway.)

As I am writing this, I'm talking to a girl that's trying to explain her problem with her card while she's walking through the club. But all I hear is THUMP THUMP THUMP. The cons of this job is obviously talking to and understanding drunk people. There are pros of course, that is MONEY. The night shift puts a lot of food on my table, so I don't see myself quitting this job anytime soon. Unless someone from saaay, Gamestop offers me a job with a matching salary. Anyways, talking about work isn't the point of this post. This is:

This is Yasi. Also known as The Hundreds' Yasi. I like to read her posts from time to time. It's entertaining, rude and just on point when it comes to answering questions from "fans". I'm mentioning her because I've started to read the play she's holding, "The Importance of Being Earnest". by Oscar Wilde. I've never really been interested in plays and "dramatic reconstructions", but I'd give it a shot. So I bought a book that had all of Oscar Wilde's plays in it and started on "Lady Windermere's Fan: A Play About A Good Woman".

It was hella/really funny. Funny in an 19th century, Victorian-kind-of-way. It's about a married woman in an upper class Victorian time period that suspects her husband is cheating with a Mrs.Erlynne and she finds this out on her birthday. Mrs. Erlynne is invited in her party/ball that night. Hilarity ensues. The characters are well-written and great representations of aristocrats in that timeperiod and the complications are a joy to experience. And being 59 pages long, it's a fast read. Read it. I actually laughed at one point.

Jesus, this turned into one ass-long post. Thank you for sticking through. I put in a picture just to please the non-readers of this blog. Wait, does this mean I'm a Yasi-fan since I indirectly chose to read the same play as her? Damn. Oh well, good night, Detroit!

torsdag 19. mars 2009

spacing out on a train going nowhere

Two big hurrahs today:


Stine har bursdag! Hurra!? 

Creds for å se penere ut enn meg i det bildet. Vanligvis er rollene(brillene) våres byttet på.  Briller er smud. Huzzah, Stine B.!


Ferdig med debutvideoen. Tatt fra forrige lørdag, 14.mars regner jeg med, og her er det endelige resultatet! (it's 4 mins and 15 secs long) CHECK IT.

Sangene er som følger:

It's a Wonderful Life - Sparklehorse
Devil Nights - Electric Six

Kommenter hvis dere kan. Jeg vil gjerne høre fra dere. Og ja, skulle hatt et stativ? Jeg sier nei! :P Selv dere som ikke liker videoen eller liker at dere er med i den, kommenter! :P Til mitt forsvar: Jeg liker dere. No homo. 

..og nu skal jeg sovne til Paris, Je t'aime.  Ah, those love stories.

mandag 16. mars 2009

La belle et le bad boy

Klarer ikke å slutte å høre på den sangen. It's old, but it's nice. Og man må pusse opp på språkskillzzzza mens man har tid. Og ja, det fins ingen original musikkvideo, men siden sangen ble mest kjent i USA for å ha vært med i Sex og Singelliv-finalen (correct me if i'm wrong, ladies) så valgte jeg denne videoen.  (2 minutter inn i videoen, følg med) 

Men ja, jeg har hatt en HERRRRLIG helg med GRITS på Living Room (fredag) , finn meg :

.. og lørdag? (ja, jeg ser ut som en smørbukk der, ja) Lørdag var jeg på en finfin 18-års bursdag, FILIPINO STYLE. Følg med, følg med, jeg har opptak på HD-videokameraet mitt, nå er det bare å legge det over. 

Men her er en smagebid:

En jente, Ranica, som jeg har vokst opp med og nå er 18 år. Jeg er utenfor bildet til høyre og holder en rose selv. (Jeg mener jeg danset en 7'er i vals den kvelden.)  Meningen er jo at hun skal danse med 18 gutter som hver har en rose, thus the term "18 Roses". Sært å feire slike bursdager for folk blir bare eldre og eldre, men fortsatt like spennende siden folk tar helt AV når det gjelder å pynte seg og pynte lokalet. Det var ca.150-200 gjester og masse mat og masse drikke. Jeg ble full. Tequila + 5 kartonger rødvin - full lizm. Godt jeg hadde gamle, kjente fjes å drikke med. Så etter en veldig interessant samtale med mine foreldre om ekteskap, JA EKTESKAP, la jeg meg i sengen min og besvimte. (Ekteskap kom opp siden en god venn av meg skal gifte seg i juni og invitasjonen kom i posten denne uken. Den var najs, CREDS Rudi.) 

Oh ja, søndag, jeg var fyllesjuk, løftet tre deler av en sofa, innså hvor RÆVA kroppen min er (time to sex up and buff up, sier nå jeg), svettet som en jøde i.. nah, i won't go there.

Have a nice week fookers. Ich liebe euch alles. :)

onsdag 11. mars 2009

On demand! The one and only..

Jeg fikk en telefon  i dag. Det var en person som klaget over at han ikke ble nevnt i det hele tatt på bloggen min, til tross for at vi finner på mye tull. ofte. Så istedenfor å "bare" lage et kjedelig innlegg til han, så lagde jeg han en YouTube-video. Laget på 60 min, 2 ganger attpåtil pga. Final Cut ustabiliteter. Enjoy og gjerne kommenter videoen eller personen selv.

mandag 9. mars 2009

Close your eyes and clear your heart. Cut the cord.

Enda en uke har glidd forbi uten at jeg har fått det helt med meg. Jeg sitter igjen med:

*trekker pusten* .. en oppgave som skriker etter å bli skrevet, en haug med ting som MÅ gjøres før jeg reiser til Kina, venner som trenger oppmerksomhet og som jeg så gjerne vil gi oppmerksomhet til, musikk som må høres, musikk som må spilles, musikk som må danses til, fester som man må på, fester man må unngå, utesteder med sjarmerende kvinner, utesteder med mindre sjarmerende kvinner, mat som må spises, mat som må kastes, spill som må bli spilt, spill som må bli byttet, filmer som må sees, filmer som må analyseres, filmer som må vente, søvn som må bli tatt igjen, søvn som må droppes, søvn generelt og en hårklipp? .. 22 dager + - til Kina. 

Tida går fort.

Jeg må høre på denne først.

og jeg legger ut en slik video av meg snart.

..en periode satt jeg sånn for meg selv bare for å trene opp mitt ikke-eksisterende gehør. 

Jeg misunner folk med perfekt gehør. Gave fra oven. 

Ha en fin uke, motherfuckers! <3

mandag 2. mars 2009


.. ropt ut av en stakkars jente som ikke hadde riktig månedskort under kontroll på t-banen. Det var nesten så jeg ga henne mitt. Nesten. Men hva skulle jeg gjort da? :)

- You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans. / Ronald Reagan