On this Louis Vuitton ad we see the world's first female astronaut, Sally Ride. We also see Buzz Aldrin of "Apollo 11 fame" and Jim Lovell, the man who was so close to getting on the moon on the disastrous Apollo 13 expedition.
When I saw this picture, it took me back 17 years, back to the days of the Turtles, kindergarten and Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff. Being young, I dreamed of going to space and walking on the moon. When others wanted to be policeofficers, firemen and doctors, I wanted to discover new worlds, being at the forefront of exploratory expeditions and garnering all the fame. But all that ended the day an adult said that it's impossible to become an astronaut and go into space if you're from Norway. Because of her, I turned to videogames instead. Boo on you.
But the lesson of the story is: Don't let others tell you what you CAN'T do. Focus only on what you CAN do. Let your haters be your motivators and all that schwag.
And let's all return to the romantic notions of landing on the moon and going into space. Forget all that "Mmm, it's good to drink our pee in space" - crap.