2 hours until I have to get my butt to work. Warmed up some chicken and rice, can't wait to indulge. Lucky for you guys, I'm at Casa De Alfiler, so I'm testing out this Photobooth thing on their iMac (they hustlin').

Waiting for food.

Passing time with Final Fantasy VIII on the PSP, love that game.

My preferred aperitif for the evening.
Also whilst waiting, dreaming of Hawaii. Got all my papers submitted, yay! Here we go!

Time for food (YAY!) and then work. (NAY!) And wow, formatting is fucked up. I don't feel like fixing it either. Deal with it. :D
Shout-out to Harry, sorry I couldn't make it there tonight.
4 kommentarer:
bildene av stua di er speilvendt! så det så...
Mer av dette fremover! :)
PS. Jeg skjønner ikke hva du mente med Ted og den fremtidlige moren. Og "bekreft at du er en person" koden i dag er "cmonbro".
the bro will come on right now and say, i'll explain for you next time!
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