lørdag 12. desember 2009

Soon my love

After delivering my exam on monday, I have two more days here in Norway and then I'm off to the Philippine Islands. Scubadiving and beachfrolicking here I come!

tirsdag 8. desember 2009

Christmas came early!

WOOP WOOP! A batch of signed blu-rays from Kevin Smith and a Clerks. t-shirt! + snowcap from etsy.com. what up!? I need no more from you, year 2009.

tirsdag 24. november 2009

Team Bonding

Yesterday was a really good day. As some of you know, I'm a real geek. I play videogames, make oblique pop-culture references and have a really dorky way of making jokes. Sometimes, I play with my good friends, Harry, Daniel and Even. We're collectively known as Ragnarok aka [RoK]. Geeky enough for you yet?

We went to TGIF and went bowling. It was a great day. We call all our meetings "Team Bonding" since we don't have the balls to call it anything else. :P But I guess you can say it's a lame excuse for just wanting to hang out.

mandag 23. november 2009

monthly recap

Mange bilder som viser hva jeg har foretatt meg i november måned. Enjoy!

++ spotifyplaylist for you guys!

Mr Blue Sky (spillelisten jeg bruker når jeg må vaske leiligheten. check it)

Jeg har vasket ja.

Måtte ta ned traileren folks grunnet det kunne blitt for mye HYPE før filmen vises! hahahaha

søndag 22. november 2009

What I've been doing lately..

SHOOTING A SHORTFILM! Here's a teaser. Enjoy!

torsdag 19. november 2009

I look to this show

..for inspiration for a new project me and akam1k3 is putting together. You heard it here first! It's gonna be a classic. But this show is epic. This episode is epic and makes me think:

What if Aaliyah was still alive? Check it out!

taken from maestroknows.com

søndag 15. november 2009

I like Vampire-Manny.

'Nuff said.

lørdag 31. oktober 2009

500 days of Zooey pt.2

Finally. Loved this movie. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. You'll love it or I'll eat my hat.

6 of 6 bluebirds joined in a musical dancenumber.

tirsdag 27. oktober 2009


Dette er mitt Shangri-La når jeg virkelig trenger en dag med avslapning. Flere hundre tegneserier og veldig deilige sitteplasser, er dette mitt innerste indre. Hahaha!

Anyways! Jeg skriver om Hamsun i tegneserieform, så hvorfor ikke slenge opp et bilde av han?
Fryktelig uskarp, men jeg liker ikke å bruke tid på å ta bilder med blitz, STØGT blir det uansett.

Lovely, lovely books. Er du keen, dra på Schous plass og inn det lille huset og opp i andre etasje. Sees kanskje der!

mandag 19. oktober 2009

Seriously, Kanye?

"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze from Yooj‽ on Vimeo.

Just wow. One night in Kanye's life. I'll leave the interpretation to you guys. It gets f'ed up about 6-7 mins into the movie.

onsdag 14. oktober 2009

My First Trilogy Is Complete!

This is the final movie in my epic China-trilogy, "Going Back To My Roots: A Memoir" and you, yes YOU made it possible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: The Last Dinner: CHINA STRIKES BACK!!

Now you see this third movie is more of a easy letdown, where our merry friends take a breather from the hustle and bustle of a busy Beijing set in the 2009's. What we are trying to show here that we are also normal people, who occasionally likes to talk bull in front of the camera. 

The two previous released parts, The Shanghai Incident: Return of The Plushie and Parade of Sweat, Feet and Ass: A New Hope can be viewed here. If you want more special features, please send a 20-dollar bill via e-mail and I'll do a dramatic re-enactment with editor-commentary.

tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

SGG - Seriously Good Genes

Yes, this is a supershallow post. But this is Arianny Celeste, a three-quarters mexican, one-quarter FILIPINA who works as a ring girl in the UFC. Shows to tell that mixing some filipino in some brown, white or black chocolate surely, SURELY makes good shit. Interracial couples ftw. Seriously. Yes, I'm shallow today. For that I'll post another picture. 

BAM! Take that shit to the bank.

mandag 12. oktober 2009

We can't change where we come from

'Twas a good day, that november day in '08. Courtesy Mari. Stovner subway-station's underappreciated art. 

torsdag 8. oktober 2009

To reklamer jeg liker VELDIG godt.

Ganske selvforklarende, spør du meg.

søndag 4. oktober 2009

After-work shenanigans

So I just got off my 8-hour shift, but still wired like hell. So I googled my own name for fun. 

I have left a lot of traces after me.. Eww. Now I'm going to sleep for 6 hours and then, back to work. I hope you all have a good day. 

(Mostly twitter crap, yes I tweet. And my reviews for PressFire. Interesting.)

lørdag 26. september 2009

500 days of Zooey

(Before reading this post, please watch the trailer, HYPE)
I have a problem, ladies and gentlemen. I procured an "illegal" copy that (I may or may not have anymore) of the movie, 500 days of summer. I started watching it, but 3 mins and 4 seconds into the movie I asked myself: 

Do I want to ruin this (potentially) awesome movie by watching in crap, stolen from 
the screeningroom-quality on my Mac? 

Or should I wait for the norwegian releasedate (30th of OCTOBER)?
This really sucks. I love Zooey Deschanel and I think this movie will rock out (with the cock out) as they say.

Oh, and if I do postpone this viewing, who wants to go with me on a date to this movie? Like seriously. (Non-serious applicants will be rejected with swift and brutal force.)


tirsdag 22. september 2009


Oh god, so funny.

lørdag 19. september 2009


I wish God would stop making alcohol appear. 

søndag 13. september 2009

explosions in the sky

Etter å ha kommet meg litt etter en lang kveld med øl, whisky og Rock Band så dro jeg opp til Frognerparken for å møte Stine. 



hvor vi så:

og Stine fant på å:

og så bar det hjem til middag og film hos Silver Surfer i de sene nattestimer.

fredag 11. september 2009

I got it. Who wants to visit me?

I hope someone will visit me soon. :D Beatles Rock Band! Looking forward to jamming with you guys!

fredag 4. september 2009

Right now..

i feel like meh. After a nice week away from hustle and bustle to focus on film and movie-making, it's back to routine. It's like getting that high and just drop from the sky like Icarus. Meh.

Let's do this. Go on a high, do the tasks we do and live a good life. Bless!

torsdag 27. august 2009

This is what Fresh Musicology is all about!

Hot shit. Yuksek and Amanda Blank is good stuff.

But this remix.. I dance in my underwear every morning to this remix. Breakbot is a genius.

Wait this one too!

See all three and get a signed picture of me in my underwear.

mandag 24. august 2009

Hey, jeg har blitt publisert!


Ja, en spillanmeldelse fra undertegnede. Den er nok ikke så bra, men forbedringspotensialet er der! 

mandag 17. august 2009

Christopher "Denzel" Mintz-Plasse

Genius stuff.  Thank you mr.Rydis.

This is a SPOOF. Watch it.

søndag 16. august 2009

So so tired

Combine a night of drunkenness on friday with Wale and friends, a saturday with 40 other gamers sharing the same passion as me and a late sunday linner. Oh man, I am tired. But luckily Arianny can cheer me up with giving the beat-down. Maybe I should do that as well.

søndag 9. august 2009

August Tunes

Made a new mix, currently songs I am listening to.

Augusttunes.mp3 (12:24) (a dash of Phoenix, Snob Scrilla, Breakbot and others of course)

søndag 2. august 2009

The Shanghai Video

If you ever were curious to what I did in China, check this vid. Great trip, fun people and a lot of shenanigans..  

Shoutout to my travel party!

fredag 31. juli 2009

Finally getting those movies out..

A Magic Bachelorparty from Albert Christian Alfiler on Vimeo.

Enjoy the magic of May. Thanks Rudi for being a sport!

torsdag 30. juli 2009

Berlin The Broadway Show : part 2

ACT 2:  Firmament and the shopping beyond..

.. I wish I had more money saved up for this trip.. next time you will be minez.

And here our valiant heroes braved a cold german cellar in search of..

..no, not the next Fritzl you moron..

..but MJ himself. (G o D have mercy on my soul for putting those two names in one pseudo-sentence.)

..bought a hat here. It was nice.

Gonna buy this on my next trip. Gonna need it when we all move to the moon. 

MURALS MURALS MURALS! LOVE 'EM. More to cm..cum..come..como..