onsdag 27. mai 2009
You don't need a videocamera to make a movie
Stop-motions and time-lapses are fun. What to choose next year at my school? Film or Pictures for next year? Tough call. This dude is good. And one of my fave bands.
mandag 25. mai 2009
onsdag 20. mai 2009
mandag 18. mai 2009
I wish I had talent like this or time
Elmo is the shit.
music on a monday,
sesame street,
tirsdag 12. mai 2009
Too Close?
( If There Is Only One Thing You'll See On My Blog, Watch This)
Everyone that reads this blog, knows I went to China last month. One of the most interesting trips we made, was to NRK's offices (Norwegian Broadcasting Channel) and their Asia correspondent Ole Torp. Hearing about the daily life of a man who've been working years in newspapers, radio and tv, really inspired me. Working around the clock, chasing stories around the Asian continent, both east and west, presenting news for a Norwegian audience that wakes up 6 hours later in your workday, seems in a way exhilarating for a young seedling like me. But Mr.Torp, being in the business for quite a while, worried about the fact that his workday starts at 0800 AM and often doesn't end before 7 PM. But he loves the job. So do I.
When we were there, he told us about a reportage (can you use this word?) about a girl, Siyu, an earthquake survivor from the Chengdu catastrophe which happened exactly one year ago today. It's the story of her homecoming to her family who lived in the area where the earthquake hit and the stories of her classmates, neighbors and strangers who she befriends. It's a sad story, made me shed a tear or five, and you learn something about how Chinese handle disasters of this magnitude. All the world put their eyes to this catastrophy and suddenly China got a lot of unwanted attention because of this incident. Remember, this was only three months before the Beijing Olympics.
Even though the media and their cameras disappears, we can't forget that the lives of the ones who survived, go on.
It's 25 mins long, but I really think it's a nice way to end a day as sunny as this. It's a bit intense and hits home with me, so much that it gets a bit uncomfortable. My thoughts go out to all the children who perished this day, a year ago.
Must See
This summer's ultimate Blockbuster!
You might hate me for this, but I say forget about Transformers 2, G.I Joe, Star Trek, Coraline and all other movies. This is the one movie you all should see this summer! (Courtesy of Capcom Unity)
My Little Pony! Giddy up!
søndag 10. mai 2009
why do things that are supposed to be bad, make me feel so good?
I love this video. I want to know how they do that effect in postproduction! Nice touch with the girls getting buckets of "white paint" all over their bodies..
Here's hoping I'll get to see Asher at Øyafestivalen in August! Anyone else going?
lørdag 9. mai 2009
onsdag 6. mai 2009
20 years strong..
I went 2o years without reacting to allergies when it came to summer. And suddenly I burst into sneezing, coughing, snot- and hivesfits all over my body. I love it. Bah.
But hey! It's outdoor basketballseason now! WHOOOOP! Who's joining me?

fredag 1. mai 2009
This is how I feel about leaving..


China Crew 2009,
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