fredag 31. juli 2009

Finally getting those movies out..

A Magic Bachelorparty from Albert Christian Alfiler on Vimeo.

Enjoy the magic of May. Thanks Rudi for being a sport!

torsdag 30. juli 2009

Berlin The Broadway Show : part 2

ACT 2:  Firmament and the shopping beyond..

.. I wish I had more money saved up for this trip.. next time you will be minez.

And here our valiant heroes braved a cold german cellar in search of.., not the next Fritzl you moron..

..but MJ himself. (G o D have mercy on my soul for putting those two names in one pseudo-sentence.)

..bought a hat here. It was nice.

Gonna buy this on my next trip. Gonna need it when we all move to the moon. 

MURALS MURALS MURALS! LOVE 'EM. More to cm..cum..come..como..

onsdag 29. juli 2009

Berlin part 1

..with this fella. Thank you for a wonderful time and for being a wonderful guide, sir.
The KFC picture. I look like a retard. A happy one.
Glad that wasn't my BMW.

Stay tuned..

lørdag 25. juli 2009

Being Emu tonight..

Pretty Emu. A mix for walking/driving in the rain to work. Like the start, Ronald? :)

thinkingtoomuchofyou.mp3 (13 mins 50 secs of Fleet Foxes, Mayer Hawthorne, Clubfeet, Dashboard Confessional and Modest Mouse).

tirsdag 21. juli 2009

When in Berlin..

do what the Berliners do.

Art like this makes me orgasm

Dan Luvisi is the fucking man. I wish I could draw and photoshop like him. Or at least be at this year's San Diego's Comic-Con and buy his book: Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter.
It has gorgeous artwork that makes me just jizz my pants. Oh god. 


søndag 19. juli 2009

Summer Vacation makes me..


I've been working two weeks and that actually was enough for me. I really admire the people who sweat it out both June and July, Kudos to YOU! 

I, on the other hand has spent the weekend sleeping, listening to music and just messing around on the internetz. Oh, and I made another mix.

MaybeSoMaybeNo.mp3 (16 mins 28 secs of random goodness)

It's a dash of MJ, Mayer Hawthorne, Sage Francis, Little Boots, Black Milk and my mistress, Lady Gaga.

søndag 12. juli 2009

guilty pleasures

Girl just wants a lot of attention. She can't sing and she's sorta thrashy in person, it seems. But it's like watching a carcrash. So ugly, it's almost beautiful or HOT in this case. 

All she does is lie around in bikinis singing crap songs, going y'all and bitchezzz and cheeeez crackerz.. But I still watch. I am weak. But sleep comes first. Always. Have a good sunday, people.

torsdag 9. juli 2009

This album is so sexy.

Maxwell's new album, "BLACKsummer's night" is hella hot and sexy. Fits perfectly to my mood nowadays. Yes, I feel hot and sexy. Got a problem with that? 

Been kinda busy, now that I'm also writing for a fightinggame site called Round1KO, a site hoping to become Norway's number one fighting game portal. FIghting Video Games that is. Peace out!

mandag 6. juli 2009


It rained last night. 

So I made a mix. 

søndag 5. juli 2009

Favorite book growing up

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett! Read this book and Robinson Crusoe a million times when I was young. But The Secret Garden was my favorite book because it had such a happy ending. I always dreamt of having a garden full of beautful flowers and make even the most cold-hearted of people smile. But of course, I didn't grow up in a manor in the English countryside, so a secret garden was out of the question. But this book made me believe that as long as you put your mind to it and be stubborn, you can achieve everything you want. 

What book has influenced you the most?

fredag 3. juli 2009

Time to get..

a tattoo? 

onsdag 1. juli 2009

Back to the futurepast.

(This is gonna be a long one, a bit sappy maybe, but it's a retrospect! Give me the benefit of the doubt here.)

Everyone says hindsight is 20/20 or perfect. Unless Dr.Emmett Brown gets his hands on a plutonium core and rides that Delorean back to the past, we're all stuck with the decisions we made on this road called Life. At least once in your life, you lie in your bed and start reminiscing about how things were better then and what you could do to make it better now. I do. Learn from my mistakes and be glad I did them. 

But the one thing I like the best about reminiscing is thinking of the things that made me the person I am today. Being 22, I can't remember all the shit I've done as a young hoodlum growing up. (joke). But I do remember the important memories.

My earliest memory of a semblance of life, is sitting on the swings with Eileen back in kindergarten. Yes, I do not remember anything before that. I was a retard. Swings and Eileen. She was my girlfriend and I was the shit. This was back in the days of Turtles and ugly sweaters of Sesame Street characters. 

This was me back then. Little guy with brown jacket, purple pants and blue suede shoes. The others are my fambam representing from Stovner.

That's enough reminiscing for one post. Anyone want to know more? I got at least one good story up my sleeve. Promise.