(This is gonna be a long one, a bit sappy maybe, but it's a retrospect! Give me the benefit of the doubt here.)
Everyone says hindsight is 20/20 or perfect. Unless Dr.Emmett Brown gets his hands on a plutonium core and rides that Delorean back to the past, we're all stuck with the decisions we made on this road called Life. At least once in your life, you lie in your bed and start reminiscing about how things were better
then and what you could do to make it better
now. I do. Learn from my mistakes and be glad I did them.
But the one thing I like the best about reminiscing is thinking of the things that made me the person I am today. Being 22, I can't remember all the shit I've done as a young hoodlum growing up. (joke). But I do remember the important memories.
My earliest memory of a semblance of life, is sitting on the swings with
Eileen back in kindergarten. Yes, I do not remember anything before that. I was a retard. Swings and Eileen. She was my girlfriend and I was the shit. This was back in the days of Turtles and ugly sweaters of Sesame Street characters.
This was me back then. Little guy with brown jacket, purple pants and blue suede shoes. The others are my fambam representing from

That's enough reminiscing for one post. Anyone want to know more? I got at least one good story up my sleeve. Promise.